Health Promotion
Youth Tobacco and Prevention Resources
ASPIRE is a free, multilingual tobacco prevention and cessation program for teens through the Local Health Department and Utah Department of Health. Contact the school nurse for instructions on how to access this program.
SMOKEFREETEEN offers resources to help teens stop vaping and tobacco. The site offers free tools for teens to use to help quit including chat features with online coach, Smokefreetext and quitSTART apps.
UTAH TOBACCO QUITLINE is a statewide telephone coaching service available to youth aged 13-18, that have been referred from a school, court, or local health department. A Quit Line Waiver form must be on file with that agency, before a youth can access services. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is not provided to youth.
Influenza (Flu) Prevention

School-aged children are at increased risk of flu-related complications and hospitalizations. In order to prevent the spread of influenza, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations include:
- Encourage students, staff, parents to get an annual flu vaccine
- Encourage students and staff to stay home when sick.
- Teach respiratory etiquette
- Teach and encourage proper handwashing techniques
Click here for FAQs related to the flu vaccine
Click here for information specific to children and the flu
Utah Poison Control
Utah Poison Control provides 24-hour emergency phone services for the public to assist in poisoning emergencies.
Nutrition – My Plate (CDC)
Vaccines & Immunizations (CDC)
Fitness for Children (Healthy Children)
Mindfulness Resource
Trauma Informed Care
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Concussion Resources (CDC)