Board Meetings

Meetings are open to the public and may be attended in-person at the District Office or electronically. 

Click here  to see meetings on the calendar.

Public notices, meeting agendas, audio files and meeting minutes are posted at the Utah Public Notice Website at

Click here to be redirected to the Board's page for Meeting Minutes and Agenda Packets.

En español leer abajo:

Las reuniones están abiertas al público y se puede asistir en persona en la Oficina del Distrito o electrónicamente. 

haga clic aquí  para ver las reuniones en el calendario.

Los avisos públicos, las agendas de las reuniones, los archivos de audio y las actas de las reuniones se publican en el sitio web de avisos públicos de Utah en

Haga clic aquí para ser redirigido a la página de la Junta para obtener actas de reuniones y paquetes de agenda.


The Board conducts its meetings using Robert's Rules of Order

Public Meeting Schedules

Work Sessions are on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Site Visits are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month. School Administrators will schedule class visits for board members. District Director Site visits will be held at the Director’s office.

Board Meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Administrator/Director Reports will be scheduled on the same month as site visits.



Public Notices - Special Meetings

Posted 6-11-2020: The Grand County Board of Education is holding a Board Work Session Special Meeting on 6-12-2020 at 9 a.m. to discuss the GCSD Proposed 2020-21 Budget.