Please register your student to ride the bus and review the routes to the (right).
Routes have been updated to comply with State rules.
Utah Office of Administrative Rules R277-600.6
(a) a school district shall place bus stops at least 3/10 miles apart; and
(b) a school district shall avoid placing bus stops on dead end roads.
(5)(a) A student's parent or guardian is responsible for the student's own
transportation to bus stops up to one and one-half miles from home.
One major change to MS/HS ONLY - NO bus stop at Bobcat/Mt Peale and McElhaney/Mt Peale.
The bus stop will be at the corner of Mt. Peale and Spanish Valley Drive.
Transporting students to School, and home safely.
If your student needs to go elsewhere after school,
the best practice is to come to the school and pick them up.
Parents, please take a moment to review the safe practices included on this website.
Students must be at their assigned bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
To find your student's route schedule, click on the appropriate school on the red tabs
to the right and scroll to find the stop closest to your address.
Be sure to check arrival and drop-off times.
Please observe Early Out scheduled for Fridays.
Pre-School and Kindergarten
Bus schedules will not be posted on this site.
Please contact the transportation office directly at 259-5430.
Bus Safety Video
Listed below is helpful information regarding the GCSD Bus Transportation.