Schedule A Background Check
This page includes the following information:
- Directions for scheduling a background check
- Background check procedures
- What we do for Covid-19 safety
- Background check privacy notices and laws
Notice: LiveScan fingerprint background checks are by appointment only
All GCSD employees and volunteers must complete a LiveScan fingerprint background check prior to beginning work. Limited LiveScan fingerprint background checks are available at our location to outside agencies not affiliated with the school district. Please call 435-719-4758 to check availability and schedule an appointment.
This page is regularly updated with new information as it becomes available. Last update: Summer 2022
Background check appointment procedure
Background checks are by appointment only. No walk-in appointments. Please arrive on time for your background check. This ensures time between appointments for sanitizing equipment and preparing for the next applicant. Early arrivals are not allowed.
What to bring with you for your background check:
Please be prepared!
1. Identification: Bring your state-issued ID, driver's license or passport. You will be asked to provide your ID. This must be a valid ID (not expired).
2. Authorization Form: For background checks for teaching licenses, day care, child care, after-school care, real estate, food banks, federal agencies and other entities, you must bring a background check authorization form from the agency requesting your background check.
3. Fee: Background checks are free for Grand County School District employees and volunteers. For all others, there is a fee payable by check or cash. Check with your agency or entity to see what the protocol is for payment of fees, if an agency is paying.
Cancellation / Change: If you need to cancel or change your background check appointment please call 435-719-4758 as soon as possible.
Updated Fingerprinting Services Protocol - Covid-19
This is the updated safety practice for background checks at Grand County School District:
- Appointment only: Background checks are by appointment only. This is to allow for time to clean the area and machine and to avoid crowding in the office.
- Face mask: Not required. You may bring one and wear it if you choose. If you are sick, please call to reschedule your appointment.
- Sanitized office space and devices: A hand sanitizer dispenser has been installed. Devices and machine will be cleaned in between each customer appointment.
- Air filtration: Additional air filtration machines have been installed in the building.
If you have had any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:
- Fever or Feeling Feverish (chills, sweating, etc.)
- Shortness of Breath
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Loss of Taste or Smell
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Please reschedule your appointment if you have had close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 or are under quarantine.
Federal Privacy Rights and Notices (Posted Below)